I was simply struck by this:
ThinkFwd: EP002-Makoto Fujimura
TheOOZE | MySpace Video
"God wants us to experience life deeply, and art is one way to help us do that."
--painter Makoto Fujimura
Mako at his New York City art studio.
Working on what he calls a "hybrid" painting--a collision of heaven and earth with a luscious clay red pigment from Kyoto (*Joy chan swoons*), Mako describes how his painting explores what it might look and feel like for heaven to invade earth, just like we--as earthly beings--are invaded by the heavenly, by God.
We are trained NOT to see and experience things. The world is unreal through our imperfect eyes. And an artist desires to draw people to see, to see that what is true on canvass is more true in life, and the tension or conflict we feel through art--whether paintings or plays or other media--is strangely good.
If we allow ourselves to feel this tension, and to know conflict or sorrow or joy--then art can take us somewhere; it can mean something. Tension from the fact that we all are consumers of culture. Because we live in this world. And that we have not exhausted knowledge. I want to wade into places I've never been before, to take friends with me, together, living more deeply as spiritual beings where heaven can invade our earth.
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